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Roberto Bertinelli

The following biographical note is excerpted from Piero Corradini’s obituary published in Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Vol. 68, Fasc. 1/2 (1994), pp. 161–164, which also includes a bibliography of Bertinelli's works.

Roberto Bertinelli graduated in Philosophy from Sapienza University of Rome in 1979, presenting a thesis on "L'economia cinese dal 1949 al 1957. La ricostruzione e il Primo Piano Quinquennale."

Immediately after his graduation, he spent two years in China, refining his Chinese language skills, which he had already begun studying independently during his university years. He became fluent in both written and spoken Chinese and had the opportunity to study the country’s economic developments on-site, which later became the main focus of his research. Over the years, he returned to China multiple times, observing and critically analyzing the country’s rapid economic transformations.

Upon returning to Italy, he was employed by Banca Toscana in the International Office, where he worked for years with expertise and skill while continuing his research on China. In a short time, he became Italy’s leading expert on the Chinese economy.

Starting in 1985, he collaborated with several publications, including:

  • Mondo Cinese
  • Gazzetta Valutaria e del Commercio Internazionale
  • Il Mondo
  • Politica ed Economia
  • Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali
  • Avanti!

He also worked with the Italian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, writing sharp and well-informed editorials for its Rassegna Informativa.

📎 Attached: Topographical Register of the Bertinelli Collection.