Top-level heading

Loans and consultation

Library materials can be borrowed or consulted by reservation through the catalog or directly at the library.

Access to Loan Services

The borrowing service is available to:

  • The Sapienza community (students, faculty, staff)
  • Students and faculty from other Roman universities
  • Other users who submit a motivated request via email to, provided they are Rome residents.

On-site consultation is open to everyone without restrictions.

Loan Restrictions

Some categories of materials cannot be borrowed externally, including:

  • Journals and periodicals (loose issues and bound volumes)
  • Reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias, repertories, atlases, etc.)
  • Rare, antique, or valuable books
  • Fragile or deteriorated materials
  • Theses (undergraduate and doctoral)
  • Cartographic materials
  • Books required to remain on-site (e.g., exam textbooks)

Loan Renewal

  • A renewal request can be made directly through OPAC (in the personal account section) before the due date, or by writing to the library.
  • Renewal is allowed only once for a 15-day period.