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Fondo Ignazio e Michelangelo Guidi

Ignazio Guidi

Ignazio Guidi (1844–1935) and his son Michelangelo Guidi (1886–1946) are masterfully portrayed by Giorgio Levi della Vida in two chapters of Aneddoti e svaghi arabi e non arabi (1959). Ignazio is described as a venerated master, "the only Italian orientalist whose reputation had a truly international stature," while Michelangelo is depicted as a "first-rate scholar [...] eager for all kinds of knowledge."

The Guidi Collection: A Prestigious Legacy

The Guidi Library is undoubtedly the most prestigious and significant collection in our holdings. It was acquired for 15,845,000 Lire, as documented in the typewritten catalogCatalogo della Biblioteca Guidi (282 pages, alphabetically ordered by author), where each entry includes a handwritten inventory number and purchase price.

Collection Overview

📚 Approximately 6,000 volumes
📖 Divided into two main sections:

  • B. GUIDI IArabic and Islamic Studies
  • B. GUIDI IIBiblical Studies and Other Semitic Languages

Additionally, the collection includes a rich assortment of miscellaneous materials.

Cataloging Status

The cataloging process is nearly complete, ensuring accessibility to this exceptional scholarly resource.