Top-level heading

Giuliano Bertuccioli

Giuliano Bertuccioli

The personal library of Professor Giuliano Bertuccioli (1923–2001), enriched by a significant archive, was donated to the library in 2014 by his son Bruno Bertuccioli. It is currently housed in the main reading room.

Collection Overview

📚 Over 20,000 monographs
📰 180 periodical titles (full list available in the detailed information section)

Cataloging Status

  • Chinese-language monographs: Still in progress
  • European and Japanese-language materials: Fully cataloged

Additionally, bibliographic descriptions have been enhanced with scans of annotations and inserted materials, made available as digital objects within the catalog.

Further Resources

🔗 A tribute to Bertuccioli by Prof. Masini, with a postscript by Prof. Miranda, is available in the detailed information section.

📥 Downloadable Resource
At the following link, you can download the PDF of the volumeGiuliano Bertuccioli diplomatico e sinologo, which also includes the complete catalog of the collection.
